Tokyo infrastructure 044 Katsushika harp bridge

Balance of beauty and new structure

Currently divided into Arakawa, Nakagawa was the mainstream of the Tone River and Arakawa before the Tone River Timetable Project. A beautiful bridge that draws an elegant S-shaped curve from the left bank of the Ayasegawa River flowing into Nakagawa to the Arakawa and Nakagawa’s dike dividing bank. In the evening, parents’ towers and road lights that are lighted up are reflected on the surface of the water, creating a fantastic scenery.
Its beauty was created by a challenge to a new structure and careful design. The S-shaped curve, which is also a feature of the bridge, is to avoid the Upperihira Luft of Nakagawa, but the concept that was conceived as a structure that can realize it was a diagonal bridge of a curved line that was yet to be found in the world at the time. In general, curved bridges have the disadvantage of a force as when squeezing a cloth called “twist” and a large road gradient for traveling safely, compared with straight bridges. Moreover, since the curve is inverted S-shaped curve, the difficulty is doubled. One of the ideas to solve it is 48 cables arranged point symmetrically with respect to the tower which also became the origin of the name of the bridge.
I sold a lot of difficulties and summarized it in a beautifully beautiful form with Dainippon Consultant Co., Ltd. which appeared in New Toyohashi and Ms. Miyoko Ohno of M + M design which has worked on many bridge designs. 1986 Society of Civil Engineers Award Tanaka Prize. A balance between beauty and a new structure, it is a bridge symbolizing the Tanaka Prize. (Nii)

Type road bridge
Location Katsushika-ku Tokyo
Structural form Steel S-shaped curve skewed bridge
Scale bridge length 455 m Maximum span 220 m Main tower height (from digit) Parent tower 65 m child tower 29 m
Completion year 1987
Administrator Metropolitan Expressway Co. Ltd.
Designer Dainippon Consultant Co. Ltd. M + M design
Remarks 1986 Society of Civil Engineers Awarded Tanaka Prize

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